What is it?
A tax on property owners to fund services for renters, as well as providing guidance and tools for dispute resolution.
Why is it useful?
A union that facilitates the rebalancing power in the landlord and renter relationship. Rents are kept to an equitable level and reputations, of both landlords and tenants, are recorded and published.
Smart contracts, open data platforms and open sensor networks can be used to monitor and verify property conditions, with data uploaded to an accessible platform. Before entering into rental agreements, both parties could have access to reputation metrics and view previous disputes.
Smart contracts, open data platforms and open sensor networks can be used to monitor and verify property conditions, with data uploaded to an accessible platform. Before entering into rental agreements, both parties could have access to reputation metrics and view previous disputes.
Who would need to be involved?
- Landlords & estate agents
- Tenants & shared owners
- Property lawyers
- Consumer rights organisations
- Smart contract experts
Where do we start?
- Identify and research existing tenant and landlord collectives in Camden.
- Host workshop with stakeholder representation to propose desirable 'Renters Union'.
- Map tenancy user journey and identify how the experience could be improved for both parties.
- Co-develop a prototype union structure and refine with landlord and renter representatives.
- Test at small scale in Camden, integrate feedback and iterate.
Some thoughts…
- How do landlords benefit from this proposal?
- What will the property owners be taxed, how is it calculated and regulated?